Advance Planning
Advance planning will not only give you peace of mind, but it will also help your loved ones to be better prepared and will provide clarity for medical professionals and caregivers on what to do and what not to do.
This service includes but it is not limited to:
Supporting you in making choices about the way you would like to be cared for at the end of your life, as well as where and by whom, highlighting the things that are important to you.
Assisting you in exploring your wishes regarding the health procedures that you would or would not want to receive and when to do them or stop them.
Preparing your Advance Decision and Advance Statement documents so that your choices and wishes are honoured if you are unable to communicate.
Guiding you on how to make a Lasting Power of Attorney.
Finding different options for post-death formalities according to your values ​​and budget.
Facilitating conversations or meetings to communicate your wishes and choices to others.
Advocating for your decisions so they are understood and honoured.
Locating and organising important papers to create an ‘in case of death or not being able to communicate folder’ so your loved ones can find the necessary documents more easily.